22 October 2014

Wednesday Weeklies.

This is a fun new thing I'm going to try to start doing. Every Wednesday, I'm going to post some links to some other humans' writings so you can enjoy the things I enjoy. Some might be funny. Some might be sad. Some might be serious. Some might be stupid. You'll just never know until you read them. I read a lot of articles daily, so I thought this would be a fun way for y'all to see what I'm reading. Just click on the highlighted part and it will take you to the links!!


•This one hits close to home for me. I will always feel the void of not having another baby. But it's such a weird and delicate balance, because even though I don't really want another baby, I would love another baby. It makes zero senses, but that's my life. This lady nailed it.

The Void.

•This new thing where people call each other 'basic'. I hate it. I think it's rude and just another way to stereotype. This article sums up my thoughts exactly. And I will forever love all things pumpkin and whoever thinks I'm basic can suck it.

Class Anxiety

•I'm from Ohio. And even though Ohio kinda sucks, I still love it. I lived there for 18 years, moved to California for the Air Force, moved BACK to Ohio for three years and now reside in Texas. Ohio is home. I can't relate to all of these Ohioisms, but most of them? Yes.

33 Things People From Ohio Have to Explain to People Not From Ohio.

•Tattooing in slow motion. Such a rad video on how tattoos are applied to the skin.

Slow Motion Tattooing

•This is me. Completely. Except for the eating disorder parts. My eating disorder is the opposite of anorexia. But yes. If you know anyone with depression, do them a favor and read this. All of it. That's all I have to say. This just speaks for itself.

Home to Myself.

•And another Ohio link! What can I say? My roots run deep. These California fools tried Ohio foods for the first time. It's hilarious. I haven't tried all of these things, but Buckeyes. YUM. How can you not like peanut butter and chocolate?!

Californians Try Ohioans Food

•Last but not least. This is just the most adorable video ever created. Not to mention, this song is my jam! Added with 80s and 90s sitcoms! I can't even.

Shake It Off 80s and 90s Style.

Enjoy the rest of your week!!

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