23 October 2014


Makayla's school is having their Book Fair this week. I clearly remember Book Fairs from when I was in school. My favorite weeks out of the year! I've always been an avid book lover and I am so stoked that Makayla loves books as much as I do. Reading is awesome!

So today they had a Book-Nic where parents could come and eat lunch with their kids outside near the library. Makayla asked Daddy to pack her a small lunch so she could have more time to look at books. Love that girl.

We had lunch outside on a wonky picnic table and then went inside to check out the books. We got her a couple and then I went back and bought a few for Christmas for M and her sisters. I love getting some Christmas shopping in early. Especially with things I know my girls will love!

I also really love getting to visit Makayla for lunch. Sometimes I make it more of a headache than it needs to be. But I have loved getting to see her in the middle of the day every time. It's the best. She is so precious and every time she's done eating lunch she says, 'Can I go see my friends now?' Today was no different.

Makayla and her Nana. I hope they are always this close.

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