13 April 2011

My Sweet Baby.

There are so many things I don't want to forget about Addison's babydom. She is such a sweet baby!!

First of all, I love the way she is always so happy. Like seriously all the time. I mean, sure she cries, but what baby doesn't?

She loves to tear up tissues and then tries to eat them. I give her credit for tearing them up so much, just to try to get them in her mouth, all in time for me or Daddy to come swipe the tiny pieces out of her hands.

I don't want to forget her sweet, baby giggles when I blow in her adorable, wispy hair. That's another thing. That wispy baby hair. Oh, so precious.

That laugh that comes out of her sweet little belly is too precious. It is the epitome of belly laughs and I will blow in her hair all day long to hear it.

Another thing that makes her belly laugh like that is when I kiss her neck or tickle her armpit. Oh, how it brings so much joy to my heart!!

I don't want to forget what a champ she's been during her first tooth emerging. She has still been her happy, cheery self.

She has been sleeping through the night lately and what a blessing that is! She wakes up earlier than usual, but we're working through that. ;)

I don't want to forget how she sucks her sippy cup and her little cheeks get sucked in. So silly!

I don't ever want to forget when she nurses, how she grabs my shirt with her free hand and holds on for dear life. Then, she props her free foot up on my shoulder and it stays there while she falls asleep. After she's asleep, I put her up on shoulder and she grabs my hair with her tiny baby hand and just lays there.

These times are so precious and I know I'll never get them back. I wish I could just record every single moment of every single day. I know Addison will want to hear about these things when she's older and what a seriously precious baby she has been. She is so calm and amazing and wonderful.

Makayla's sweet life is no less amazing, but we are at a trying time in her little life right now and we're working through it. :D

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