12 January 2011


Here are some funny things that Makayla has said in the past few days. The stuff that comes out of this kid's mouth is freaking priceless. It's no wonder I'm cracking up all day long with her around. Love her.

I love Addi's hair. (while rubbing her face on Addison's sweet baby head)
That's a great story about boys and girls.
We don't like that cuz were not boys!
Let's sit here for a little while before we go to Nana's.
Addi doesnt have bright eyes.
Now we can't poke our eyes!
I ate all your ice cream!
I ate her kisses! (I was kissing Addison and Makayla came over and 'took' them and ate 'em.)
Don't kiss her! That's rude!
She will stand like me and i will hold her little hand. (This made me melt!)
M: Can you show us something? Me: Yes. Hold on. M: Ok, Mommy girl.
M: We are married. Me: No we're not. M: Only you and Daddy.
Ew, gusting. (She used to say 'gussin', but now it's progressed. :))
Sorry Addi. I didn't mean to bump into your leg
M: You and Jesus are married. Me: We are? M: You and Daddy were married, too!

She is too rad.

Some things Addison's been doing?

She ate squash for the first time on January 9th.
Yesterday, we were at the house building place (more on that later) and Addison had a little hoodie on. Well, Adam was holding her and next thing I know, I look over and Addi's one arm is out of it. I'm like, 'Did you do that?' and Adam said he didn't. So then I take her and she got her other arm out and the thing was off! All by herself! We were amazed!
Then today, we were reading in Makayla's room and I gave Addison a book while she was laying on her belly and she grabbed the cover and opened it! By herself! Totally rad.
Also, she rolls from her back to her belly to her back again. She's been doing it for a while, but it's still totally cool.
She also scoots around and does 360 degree circles on the floor. It's hilarity.

So yesterday we went to pick out all the colors and fixtures and flooring and stuff for the house we're building! It was totally fun and super exciting and really stressful. Adam left to drive Addison around so she could nap and while he was gone, I kept second guessing every decision I made without him there! It is nerve wracking deciding what your future house will look like, especially when all you see are little swatches of everything. I'm not very good at seeing the whole picture, but I am pretty positive our house is going to look freaking awesome.

I still have to post my resolution post, but today I decided that I'm going to do a 52 week photo challenge. For those of you that don't know, that's where you take pictures through the week, pick one, edit it and post it. So, there'll be a new page for that project at the top. I'm pretty excited about it, though I know it'll be hard to narrow it down to one photo per week. I just can't handle a 365 right now, though. That's a picture a day and I didn't take a picture yesterday, so that's out. ;)

Anyway, the girls are both napping (Hallelujah!!!), so I'm gonna go read some blogs and chill. Maybe my resolution post will be up later. Maybe 'stop procrastinating' should be on that list.


Rachel said...

Miss M is so funny! I love the way their little brains work!

And the house stuff is so stressful. Before you know it, it will be built and you'll be in it.

Hello Jessica Lynn said...

We built our house and it is continuing to be a work in progress as we want to change this and that but I love it!!

I am blog hopping today and thought I would stop by your blog.

Please stop by either or both of my blogs and if you aren't already a follower I welcome you to become one:

Jessicas Lil Corner is my family blog at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

So stop on over and follow if you aren't doing so already!!

Have a blessed week!! :0)