29 March 2014


The babies and I hung out with our sweet neighbor and her son this morning. The girls had a blast and so did I! Having some much needed Mommy time while my girls were occupied.

Adam went to a game convention and took Makayla with him. She loves it and was so excited to tell me all about the games that she played! That girl is so smart!! They came home early because Makayla was done and ready to come home. Nap time commenced and Adam headed back to the convention to talk to some peeps.

That about sums up our day! :)




Makayla playing a game at the convention. She loved it!!

Makayla also told me she had to go to McDonald's to get a My Little Pony toy because she saw someone at school with one. Of course her daddy obliged. :)

The girls having dinner and a movie at the end of the night. Love them.

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