01 January 2014

Happy New Year!

2014 is MY year. I can feel it. 2013 sucked kind of hard for me. Most of it was inside stuff that practically nobody knows about and that's totally okay with me. But I'm leaving all that junk in the past. I'm starting 2014 off with a bang. Of course, we had our good moments in 2013 and some of them I never want to forget.

I usually make some resolutions and then fail to keep them. But that doesn't really stop me from making more resolutions the next year.

So my resolutions for 2014 are:

1. Be more intentional with my girls. Spend more time playing with them and entering their world. I am obviously with my children nearly every moment of every day since I stay home with them, but I want to be in their world and make more time to play with them. At first I was going to say a specific amount of time that I would play with each of them each day, but I don't want to put myself in a box. I just want to be more intentional and enjoy moments every day.

2. Get on Facebook and Instagram twice a day. I am setting a limit for this because it is SUCH a hindrance to everything else in my life and there's really not that much going on that I have to be checking it on my phone every five minutes. This goes along with number one...when I stop being on my phone and computer, I can start being with my girls and have those intentional moments. So I am limiting myself to checking Facebook and Instagram to when the girls are napping and after bedtime.

3. Yell less. I don't enjoy yelling at my kids. I don't enjoy getting frustrated with them and then losing my cool. It's not fun for anyone and lately (since I've already started working on this one) I've seen a big difference in the way Makayla acts towards everyone. If I keep my cool, everyone else keeps their cool. Our little world is a better place and that makes me happy.

That's it! I'm not making any resolutions to lose weight or anything else. I just want to be happy. I want my girls to be happy. I want my husband to be happy. I want to repair all the damage that 2013 did to us and I want to move on. I love our little family of five and I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for each of us. We've already got big things planned!

Happy New Year!!!

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